I've had this machine for quite a while - plodding away at the repairs. It's in good players condition now. Here's a list of repairs...
- Jones Plugs scrubbed till they conducted.
- Rubbers replaced. They are not the factory sizes, but that's another story. They are very close though.
- Lamp sockets revitalised (wiggled).
- Lamps (120) replaced with LEDs. The Credit Lamp seemed to have never been installed, making it the 121st LED. Warm White LEDs in most places, Some Daylight LEDs in the back box, to counteract colour from the varnishing.
- Anti-death switch (RCD/ELCB) fitted to mains cord.
- Earthing - Active to coin-door > 20 MΩ.
- Score Motor running continuously corrected by adjusting many relay contact separations.
- Rebuilt rollovers as all gummed up. Discovered 2 different sizes in use.
- Replaced the plunger tip as the metal rod was peeking out.
- The original machine arrived without a chimes unit. I obtained a set from the same vendor. Oddly it fitted perfectly and had scratches that lined up with marks in the cabinet. Stripped and rebuilt it as it was a mess and sounded like pans bashing together (or less like pans bashing together given the sound was never beautiful).
- Continuous game resetting corrected by polishing contacts on Bonus Unit
- A few relays had been glued to the relay/motor board with epoxy. The epoxy had not been properly mixed, and could best be described as a sluggish fluid. It took a lot of cleaning.
- The vibration dampening grommets on many relays had perished. This is what triggered the eager application of poorly mixed epoxy by an unknown previous repairer. Replaced with grommets surprisingly available from the local hardware monopoly.
- Baseboard gash - someone had tried to lift the machine by it's Masonite baseboard, which possessing the strength of wet cardboard, promptly ripped. Glued as a temporary repair to stop it worsening and hanging down like an overripe banana hand. Unsurprisingly, this temporary repair is still in place :-)
- Cleaning - cleaning is a repair if it takes more than a day.
- Lots, and lots, and lots more mostly little fixes.
These repairs have their own posts
- Tilt Relay
- Alternator
- Rollovers
- Backglass
- Player Unit
- Credit Unit
- Relay Bank
- Plastic 30C-457-6