3D Printed Plastic 30C-457-6

Pat Hand Plastic 30C-457-6
Pat Hand Plastic 30C-457-6

When the game was playing, the ball action at the top of the playfield was very poor - no flow at all. Closer inspection revealed that a plastic was missing, and had been replaced with a huge wood screw and a couple of rubbers.

The ball did nothing like it should with this arangement.

Plastic 30C-457-6 was not available, but I found a picture from an old auction and designed one.

  • Start with an image in Photoshop.
  • Export PNG White Part on Black Background (no profile, not AdobeRGB).
  • Import to 3D Builder (MS Store).
  • Export to STL.
  • Import to TinkerCAD.
  • Size adjust (67%).
  • Export to STL.
  • Import to Cura.
  • Print.

The new plastic works a treat and I'll replace it with a more attractive version down the track.

I've even shared the file with another owner with the same problem.